Is it raining? Are you stuck inside? Bored? Come and join us at Google Campus London and Hack! :D
We would like to invite you to an event to write code, write software for social good, hack wireless routers and learn something about cryptography all in aid of helping people affected by hurricane #sandy.
The event will feel a bit like a #HurricaneHackers themed Cryptoparty and there will be a lot of crossover of interests.
The event will have the following format:
Introduction (10mins)
A quick talk to provide some context for the hackathon and to let people know what they can expect from the event.
- Round table style (where everyone that turns up shares their knowledge on the topic / focus).
- ~ 80mins each w/ breaks and then people should go to the next table
- OpenWRT router hacking (Howto: Flash and Hack Different Models of Router, Extend Coverage of Public Hotspots, Mesh Networking, Other advanced topics etc) + Sharing Internet Connections Between Devices (more than just tethering :p)
- Howto: #HurricaneHackers Community (howto join us, help us etc) + Maptivism,. Making Maps To Help People (bit.ly/hh-index, bit.ly/hh-projects, bit.ly/hh-linklist, hh-mindmap) + Howto #Cryptoparty Community (IRC, the wiki, meetups, the book).
- Robust Android Communications - Oppertunistic Twitter Client (Twimight) + Secure Android Communications - Encrypted SMS and Phone Calls (Textsecure and Ostel.me etc)
- #HurricaneHackers Code Sprints and Development Sessions-
- Hacking on bit.ly/hh-projects and https://github.com/hurricanehackers
Putting it into context
is a major storm, previously a hurricane, that has caused extensive
flooding, power and transportation outages, and physical damage to the
US East Coast and Caribbean. More than 100 deaths have been linked to
the storm. You can see an overview of what is going on in NYC here: http://google.org/crisismap/2012-sandy-nyc
essentially, over 100,000 people in Lower Manhattan are without power,
and will likely not have it back up for a few days. In order to stay
informed as the situation changes, and to keep in touch with loved
ones, they will need a way to communicate with their laptops and
We are innovating http://civic.mit.edu/
to help make services and connect tech people with people in need on
the ground. A lot of interesting things are happening in the wake of
this natural disaster: http://www.fastcompany.com/3002598/sandy-prompts-louder-calls-free-wi-fi tools using
Heroku, Twillio, Human.io, google docs, google maps, crowdmaps --
pretty much anything we can get our hands on. This effort is being
spearheaded by the
This is a unique opp rtunity
to innovate to help people (people before borders, tech beyond
borders) and maybe change the debate on issues like universal free open
wifi) lease volunteer
some coding / hacking time and help some real people in a different
part of the world that are not having a great time right now. This a
chance to demonstrate the power of the open, unrestricted internet
Come and help us over at #HurricaneHackers! Start here: http://hurricanehackers.com/ | Then read the HH-Projects list here: http://bit.ly/hh-projects-read | lulz: http://brownbag.me:9001/p/sandylulz | tunes: http://turntable.fm/hurricane_jammin | follow us @hurricanehackrs. Also: Join or organize a Sandy CrisisCamp this weekend: http://crisiscommons.org/2012/10/30/sandycrisiscamp/
If you are in NYC are looking for space to work with power, heat, and wifi, check out https://sandycoworking.crowdmap.com/ and
the#sandycoworking hashtag on Twitter. Many of NYC's co-working spaces
were damaged, so the need for work space is urgent. Updates on the
broader NY Tech community response can be found at
Please share this post far and wide!