An invitation to CryptopartyLondon 3!
It is a sincere pleasure to invite you to an event that some friends and I are hosting next Wednesday at the Mozilla (as in Firefox) Offices. Please bring your laptop and cake. I hope to see many of you there! ^_^
Please note that registration via eventbrite is mandatory but you can use a pseudonym if you like :p
Why do we do this?
We are a collective of white hat hackers, engineers and makers who believe in disseminating information that empowers people. We also believe that a person's human right to privacy and a family life should extend to the digital domain although this is, evidently, not the understanding of the government and many companies. Furthermore that the right to personal anonymity, pseudonymity and privacy are basic human rights and should be regarded by all people that are responsible for handling our sensitive data. It is also noted that these rights also include life, liberty, dignity, security, right to a family, and the right to live without fear or intimidation. No government, organisation or individual should prevent people from accessing the technology which underscores these basic human rights.
We want to help tech you, the people, how to stay safe against governments and companies that are constantly pushing to erode our civil liberties and snoop on the most intimate of our private communications. So please spread the word by word of mouth, twitter, email, facebook and please try come and join us at our free event and last but not least, please bring cake!!!
For more information about why we do this, please read (and edit!!! if you wish) a Cryptoparty manifesto:
#peace #love #solidarity
What to Expect?
We will be covering the basics of PGP encrypted emails, privacy-protected browsing using TOR Browser Bundle, OTR encrypted chat messages, hard disk encryption using truecrypt, encrypted SMS messages on Android, encrypted voice calls on Android and anonymity techniques like oyster card swapping and swapping sims/mobile phones.
We are not financially or politically aligned and everyone is welcome to attend for free. (well you can bring cake)
Suggested Conduct at Cryptoparties
Thank you to Noisebridge Hackspace for these!
Be excellent to each other is a guiding principle of CryptoParty. Wikipedia uses a somewhat similar rule, which they call "the fundamental rule of all social spaces. Every other policy for getting along is a special case of it." Unlike Wikipedia, CryptoParty takes a positive approach, and avoids the practice of officially enumerating the myriad potential special cases; "be excellent" is enough.
(bringing cake is considered excellent behaviour)
Doing excellent stuff at CryptoParty does not require permission or an official consensus decision. If you're uncertain about the excellence of something you want to do, you should ask someone else what they think.
Sudo Leadership
Leadership is taken by individuals for specific projects. This is called "sudo leadership" after the *nix command sudo which allows a regular user to do one root-level, or superuser, task. In other words, if you want CryptoParty to do something, start doing it. At times someone may take sudo leadership to take a tutorial, fix the wifi, update the wiki, or organise the next CryptoParty.
($sudo bring us some cake)
The CryptoParty Handbook
Also, you might want to take a look at our Creative Commons licensed book (available for free in .pdf and .mobi for kindle or cost price in paperback).
This 392 page, Creative Commons licensed handbook is designed to help those with no prior experience to protect their basic human right to Privacy in networked, digital domains. By covering a broad array of topics and use contexts it is written to help anyone wishing to understand and then quickly mitigate many kinds of vulnerability using free, open-source tools. Most importantly however this handbook is intended as a reference for use during Crypto Parties
NEWS: The CryptoParty Handbook v1 has been released!
It would be great to have some of you guys review and crunch through the book and pointing out what we got wrong or what could be added.
Download the book here: get this book now. Read it.
NPO (not for profit) harbook purchse here: